‘That’s a Greek name.’

‘Yes, she’s entitled to a Greek name,’ Merry proclaimed defensively.

‘I wasn’t…criticising.’ Angel registered the white-knuckled grip she had on the edge of the door and recognised that he would be treading on eggshells every time he spoke. He gritted his teeth on the awareness but as Merry pushed the door fully open he finally saw his daughter and for several timeless moments stayed rigid in the doorway drinking in the sight of her.

‘She’s got my hair,’ he almost whispered, moving forward and then dropping down onto the rug a couple of feet from his daughter. ‘But curls look cute on her…’

Merry watched him closely, registering that he had enough sense not to try to get too familiar too fast with a baby that didn’t know him. No, Angel was far too clever to make an obvious wrong move, she reflected bitterly, before catching herself up on that suspicious but hardly charitable thought and crossing the room to go into the kitchen. ‘Coffee?’

‘If it’s not too much trouble.’

‘Don’t go all polite on me,’ she said drily.

‘What do you expect?’ Angel shot her a sardonic glance of rebuke. ‘I know you don’t want me here.’

Merry paled at that blunt statement. ‘I’m trying not to feel like that.’

She put on the kettle and watched him remove a toy from his pocket, a brightly coloured teething toy, which he set on the rug at his feet. It was a strategic move and Elyssa quickly fulfilled his expectations by extending the toy she held to him in the hope of gaining access to the new and more interesting one. Angel accepted it and handed over his gift. Elyssa chortled with satisfaction and bestowed a huge smile on him before sticking the new toy into her mouth and chewing happily on it.

‘She has your eyes,’ Angel remarked. ‘She’s incredibly pretty.’

In spite of her desire to remain unmoved, Merry flushed with pride. ‘I think so too.’

‘She’s also unmistakeably mine,’ Angel intoned with unashamed approval.

‘Well, you already knew that,’ Merry could not resist reminding him. ‘She was DNA tested after she was born.’

Angel winced. ‘I never once doubted that the child you were carrying was mine but in view of inheritance rights…and us not being married…it was best to have it legally confirmed.’ He hesitated before turning his classic bronzed profile to study her levelly. ‘But I let the lawyers take over and run the whole show and that was a mistake. I see that now.’

Merry jerked her chin in acknowledgement, not trusting herself to speak.

‘I didn’t know any other way to handle it,’ Angel admitted grimly. ‘I took the easy way out…unfortunately the easy way turned out to be the wrong way.’

Taken aback by that admission, Merry dragged in a ragged breath and turned away to make the coffee. A fat burst of chuckles from her daughter made her flip back and she saw Elyssa bouncing on the rug, held steady by Angel’s hands and revelling in both the exercise and the attention.

When Elyssa tired of that, Angel turned out her toy box for her. Tiger slunk out from under the chair where he had been hiding since Angel’s arrival and moved hesitantly closer to investigate.

‘Diavolos!’ Angel exclaimed in surprise. ‘Where did the dog come from?’

Startled by Angel’s deep voice, Tiger shot back under the chair.

‘He’s been here all along. His name’s Tiger.’

‘Kind of nervous for a dog called Tiger and hardly a stream-lined predator.’

‘OK. He’s fat, you can say it. He’s addicted to food and he wasn’t socialised properly when he was young. He came from a puppy farm that was closed down,’ Merry volunteered, extending a cup of black coffee to Angel as he vaulted lithely upright, suddenly dominating the small room with his height and the breadth of his shoulders.

‘I didn’t know you were keen on dogs.’

‘I practically grew up helping in the rescue centre.’ Merry could hear herself gabbling because her heart was pounding wildly in her chest as Angel moved towards her and even breathing was a challenge beneath the onslaught of his gleaming dark golden eyes. ‘I—’