“And I’d like a blowjob every night before I go to bed. Disappointment’s a bitch.”

“Man...” Diaz shakes his head before attacking his food again.

Sighing, I put down my now empty bowl. What’s the deal? Where to start? I think I’ve become f**k buddies with the girl I’m falling for. And while the sex is phenomenal, the fact that she views me as little else is killing me. Yeah, that wouldn’t crush my pride to say out loud.

“She’s…” I frown at the TV. “I don’t know… hesitant.”

“So she’ll let you bang her but doesn’t want anything to do with you otherwise?” Gray snorts a laugh, covering his mouth to keep in his stew. “Oh the irony.”

Gray is too smart for his own good.

“Asshole,” I mutter then give him a glare. “And we’re adding an addendum to the rules. You don’t get to discuss Anna in terms of sex, in any shape or form.”

He wipes his mouth and takes a swig of beer. “Look, man, I’m not trying to be a dick—”


“—I’m just kind of… shit… shocked. I thought she was into you.”

He gets up to refill his bowl, and I slouch further into the couch. “I wish.”

A movement at my side has me tensing. I forgot Diaz was there he’s so quiet. Warily, I look over, and he regards me for a moment before giving a small shrug. “She don’t belong, that’s all.”

“Want to run that by me again, D?” I sit up, my fists clenching. I don’t need my teammates trying to make Anna an outsider.

He shrugs again. “Don’t mean anything bad by it, but she knows she doesn’t fit with our crew. I saw her at the party. She wasn’t comfortable there.”

I squeeze the back of my stiff neck. This is the most Diaz has said to me in weeks, so the words take a while to sink in past the shock.

“This is true,” Gray says as he plops back into his seat. “She looked antsy as all hell.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. A headache is coming on. “Yeah.” They’re right. I know this. I’ve just ignored it in favor of feeling sorry for myself.

“If you want her,” says Diaz, “you better take it slow.” His teeth are white against the dark bronze of his skin. “Slow, as in wooing her, cuz you’re clearly her bitch if that glazed look and drunken-ass walk you got goin’ on mean anything.”

“I can kick your ass too, D.”

“Boy, please.”

“So,” Gray asks Diaz, “how do you woo a chick, D?”


“Poetry?” Gray sputters. “Are you f**king kidding me?”

“No, you philistine. It’s cool and women love it.”

Gray presses a hand to his chest as if he’s pained. “I…have no words.”

“Because you’re a punk player,” Diaz says, stabbing into his stew with his spoon.

“That hurts, D. Deep inside my soft gooey center.”


Me: How did you get my number?

I rise and head into the apartment, the feeling of being watched still riding strong.

Unknown: Class study roster. ;)

I snort as my thumb taps on the screen.

Me: Damn study roster.