Page 32 of Owned by the Club

“Pops. He’s different. Distant, and I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.”

“What if you haven’t done anything wrong?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. What if he’s made a mistake, and he knows that now?” She pressed her hands against her face, wanting to hide from the truth. Nothing would ever prepare her for their rejection.

The sound of the door opening to the shop had her turning to Joe.

“I’ll go and handle this. Wipe your face, and then come out. I think you’re being silly, but the only advice I can give you, go to Pops. Talk to him.”

She nodded. Joe left her alone to gain composure, and she took several deep breaths, trying to put her mind back into focus. She didn’t know where these negative thoughts were coming from, and she didn’t want to keep having them either. This was her life, and she loved five men.

That had to have been the hardest thing she had ever done in her life, admit that her heart was given to not one but five men.

She immersed herself in her customers, and painting the parts of the café area that were ready. By the time six o’clock came, she was ready to call it a day and head home.

Gavin was outside waiting to pick her up. She hadn’t gone home in so long, and she didn’t feel the need to rush it either.

“Come on, beautiful. Time to take you home so you can get some beauty sleep,” he said.

She chuckled.

“So, do you want to tell me what was on your mind earlier?” he asked.

“How do you know anything’s on my mind?”

“I know we’ve only been together for two weeks, but I know when something is bothering you, babe, and your face is telling me, too. Talk to me.”

“It’s Pops.”

“What about him?”

“You can’t deny that he’s been a little distant lately.”

“Babe, you’ve been just as distant. This is something for the two of you to talk about.” He took hold of her hand. “We love you, Rosie. Make no mistake about that, but none of us are going to speak up for the other. This has got to be something you ask him.”

She nodded. “You really are the voice of reason.”

“Don’t you fucking forget it either.” He winked at her, making her smile.

They were always making her smile, making her belong.

Parking up outside of the house, she saw Ethan was sanding down a chair.

“Ethan always likes working with his hands. It’s a gift of his, and he can seem to make any blank piece of wood into something.”

“He’s brilliant.” She’d seen many of his pieces around the house.

“Come on, let’s go,” Gavin said.

Climbing out of the car, she rushed toward Ethan, who stood. She threw her arms around him, slamming her lips to his, knowing by now what he liked. He was the youngest in the group, and sometimes a little insecure about that. He was still older than she was, but she’d do whatever he needed to feel her love.

“Missed you,” he said.

“Missed you, too.”

Heading inside, she spotted Marshall behind the counter in the kitchen. He was preparing their vegetables for dinner. Both of them had a passion for cooking, and he liked watching her bake.

“I’ll be there in a moment.”