“What a lovely surprise. Did you come to see Bianca?”

“No, I came to talk to Amber.”

“I’m sorry, that’s not possible, and I don’t think Edward would like other men to visit Amber. He’s very possessive.”

They were both very good actors because he couldn’t be one hundred percent certain they were lying.

“Is he the one that always takes her to Carmichaels?” he asked.

“Why, yes, he is,” Eldora said and smiled brightly.

There was a lie because Amber had never been to the restaurant before. Vincent would have mentioned seeing her there, and he could tell it was her first time there.

“I see.”

“Why don’t you come in for refreshments. I’m sure Bianca would enjoy spending time with you.”

He barely hid his grimace. “No, I’m sorry, but I need to get back to the office. Maybe some other time.”

“That would be lovely,” Bianca said. “Call me later, and we’ll set up a date.”

“We’ll see. Goodbye, ladies.”

Right before the door shut, he caught sight of an older woman in the background with a very worried look on her face before she turned and rushed off.

Cesar got into his car and drove away. He pulled over a few blocks away and called Amber’s house.

“Hello, this is the Warner residence. How may I help you?”

“My name is Cesar Hammond. I was just there trying to find Amber. I think you’re the one I saw in the background, and you looked worried. Can you tell me what’s got you upset?”

The woman paused long enough. He was worried he wouldn’t be able to get any answers from her.

“I haven’t seen Miss Amber for a few days. I know she’s home because her mother keeps having me make sandwiches for her, but Miss Eldora won’t let me go upstairs. I’m worried.”

“If I came back, would you let me in the backdoor and tell me which room is Amber’s?”

“I … I’m not sure…”

“How about this. You leave the back door unlocked and tell me now which room is hers, and I’ll check on her. That way, you can’t get into trouble.”

“I can do that, although, at this point, I don’t care if I’m fired. I know something is wrong.”

“I’ll find out for both of us.”