“It’s not hard. Amber is incredibly stupid and very trusting.”

Cesar gave her a genuine smile because she was falling into his trap perfectly.

Bianca walked over to him again and slid her fingers over his chest. “So, when are you going to tell Amber about us?”


She laughed. “Can I be there?”

“No. She’s already going to be embarrassed. I don’t want to make it worse.”

“Well, she should be. How she thought a man like you would want her is ridiculous.”

Fuck, he wanted the skanky bitch out of his house, but he needed to know one more thing.

“Amber insinuated that you pushed her down the stairs.”

Bianca snorted. “I didn’t do anything. My mother is the one who pushed her down the stairs. She caused it. She wasn’t listening to our mother.”

“About what?”

“You. My mother told her to stay away from you, but she wouldn’t. She deserved everything she got.”

“You weren’t concerned for her or tried to help her?”

“No. I didn’t have time.”

“Your mother was the same?”

“Well, she took her food and bottled water every day, but otherwise, she didn’t care.”

“All right. How about you leave? I don’t want you here when Amber gets home, but I’ll have a car come for you later.”

Bianca kissed him and grinned. “Okay. I’m so excited you came to your senses.”

Cesar tried to smile. “Yeah, me, too.”

He closed the front door behind her and leaned against it. Everything he’d been suspicious of was true, and now he had the proof to take both women down.

He walked over to his desk and shut off the tape recorder.

“Charles,” he called out. The older man came out of the bathroom attached to the office. “Did you hear everything?”

“Yes, sir, and I have to say, I’ve never seen a person that despicable before in my life.”

“Me either, but she and her mother are going down. I’ll just make the call that will ruin their lives forever.”


The car with Amber and Nia drove up the driveway to Cesar and Amber’s house.

“Whose car is that?” Nia asked.

Amber looked out Nia’s window and felt her stomach twist. It looked like her sister’s, but why would she be visiting Cesar?

Nia grabbed her hand. “Amber, what’s wrong?”

“It’s my sister.”