“Fake!” Bianca screeched.

“You can’t tell me that your hair is that blonde, your boobs are that big, or your teeth are that white and straight.”

“I can’t believe you’re talking to me like this.”

Cesar shrugged. “You asked,” he said.

“Well, I don’t care how rich or handsome you are. I won’t be treated like this, So, don’t expect to crawl back into my good graces unless you plan on begging.”

“That, I can guarantee won’t ever happen.”

Bianca hissed, turned, and stomped away.

Amber listened to the back door close and then turned to see Cesar smiling at her. “Yup, I think I proved my point.” He laughed.

“I can’t believe you talked to her like that. I don’t think anyone ever has.”

“Then it’s about time. Your sister is more in love with herself than anyone else ever could be.”

Amber sputtered and then laughed.

“I’m going to head out, but I’d like to visit you.”


Cesar smiled. “Yes, really.”

“I don’t know if my mom will let me go out with you.”

“How old are you, pequeña?”


“Well, honey. You’re an adult. You don’t need your mom’s permission.”

“I … I don’t know.”

“We’ll work it out. All right?”

“Yes. I’d like that.”

“Good. I’ll see you soon.”

She waved and watched him walk away and almost called out for him to come back because it felt like he was taking a part of her with him, and she didn’t understand it. She would pray hard that she’d be able to see him because she didn’t think she’d ever be able to forget him for as long as she lived.