Page 7 of His to Take


I know I can sue him for harrassment, but since he can also sue me for trespassing—-

"This makes us all even, right?" And because I don't want to get into trouble with him again, I add grudgingly, "Your Highness."

The sheikh's golden eyes turn hooded as he studies me, but I manage to keep still and stare at him like what just happened between us is already a thing of the past.

Another minute passes, and I decide to take matters into my own hands.

"I'll take that as a yes, Your Highness." I bow without meeting his eyes, and I turn around without looking back.

A part of me wonders if he'd stop me from leaving, but I don't hear him move even as the door closes behind me.

This obviously means the sheikh has also written me off as a thing of the past, and that's absolutely fine. I am not going to waste a second of my life thinking about what-ifs. The sooner I forget the royal SOB, the better...and that's why I find myself making another stupid mistake even before the day is over.

Chapter Three

His name is Hal.

He works at the front desk, and he's really good at it, too. Everyone loves him, and by that I really mean everyone. Parents and their kids. Young and old couples. Businessmen and backpackers.

Like I said, he's just everyone's darling, and the fact that he's part-Taiwanese, part-American, and half-Syrian is a bonus. It's like he's this gorgeous, walking advertisement for United Nations, and while he has all the girls working at the hotel swooning over him, Hal only seems to care about his job...and me.

He asks me out every once in a while, and I always turn him down with a self-deprecating joke or two. Sometimes, I'd tell him I can never go on a date with him because I don't want people to have another reason to bash and bully me. Other times, I'd tell him it's because he's too pretty, and so I'm also pretty sure he can't be serious about me.

Tonight, however, Hal's caught me at a vulnerable moment.

With memories of Sheikh Saif still disturbing my thoughts, I find myself impulsively saying yes, and the next thing I know he's waiting outside the girls' locker room while I take my shower and change into a knitted blue dress...and fresh panties, of course.

"You look gorgeous," Hal says as I join him.

"But not as gorgeous as you."

Hal falls into step next to me as we head for the hotel's employee exit, and I catch him looking at me in amusement.


"You're determined not to take me seriously, aren't you?"

"Only because I can't afford to fall in love with you."

"Why not?"

"It's a secret."

Hal laughs, and the sound has a remarkable number of heads turning towards us.

"Oh dear." I feign a look of distress. "People seem to be talking about us," I whisper with a shake of my head.

"I'm glad," he whispers back. "This way, other guys will have second thoughts before hitting on you."

"What is it?"

"I..." My phone vibrates before I can say another word, and my eyes widen when I see the message notification that pops out.

You have two minutes.

I click on the message, and the photo attached below shows the restaurant's posh-looking ladies' room.

Be just a second late...