
After all, inhaling three different pancakes, even if they were smaller ones, is never a good idea, but I couldn't help myself and devoured them as soon as they were placed in front of me. It's possible that my obsession with the pancakes was a result of my nervousness from being around Nathan. As much as I hated to admit it, I had never had I couldn't help myself and wolfed them down as quickly as I could before they went bad, which was a good thing.

The fact that Nathan was taking his time eating his lunch, on the other hand, was driving me insane. The fact that I didn't hate it because I realized that eating slowly was safer than risking choking on something you were eating had me intrigued as to where things would go because he had me so passionate about everything.

While fully aware that this was not considered appropriate Little conduct, and that any respectable Daddy in his right mind would never allow such behavior, I couldn't resist the temptation. Because of some unknown reason, the notion of being in his bedroom with him, completely at his mercy as he claimed me as his own, had been too much for me to stomach, and I couldn't face it any longer. The only way I could comprehend what it was like to be completely at his mercy while he claimed me as his own was to go through what it was like to be absolutely at his mercy myself.

"Are you finished with your plate?" Nathan asked when I was halfway through my meal, nodding his head in the direction of my empty plate. "Please let me know if you would like me to check into scheduling another order for pancakes, if that is your preference." When faced with the temptation to say yes and risk the strong sugar high that would have followed a second round of pancakes, I couldn't help but shake my head.

"Thank you, but I'm already full," I said cheerfully as I began to stretch my arms in search of an acceptable reason to decline. "What were your plans for the rest of the afternoon, though?" He shrugged his shoulders and went back to enjoying a cup of coffee in the early morning sunlight.

"Right now, I'm just enjoying our time together, and I'd hate for it to come to an abrupt end so soon after we've begun," he said as a warm smile formed on his lips. "I had planned to ask you about your intentions for the future once we'd finished our time together as a result of this development." While leaning on the table, my chin rested in my palms as I was conscious of the fact that this was a great time to demonstrate my interest in him, I cupped my hands around his shoulders and leaned against the table, resting against the table.

"How about spending the day at my house watching movies?" I offered. "If that's okay with you." The question was posed in an attempt to appear more concerned about the potential of spending the entire day watching cartoon movies rather than being alone with him. "You work long hours and do not have a lot of extra time to spend with your family, and this is understandable. What if we take some time to relax and spend some quality time together instead of hurrying through the rest of the day?" He appeared to be interested for a little period of time, and I had a sneaking sensation that he was going to accept my offer. There was then an extended period of stillness, followed by his nod of agreement and an answer to the query, which I had previously guessed was the answer.

"I don't see any reason why not," he said with a pleasant smile. "I think it's a perfectly good idea to go to your apartment. Let's just pay the check and get going."

I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it would feel to have him back at my house for the rest of the day, so I didn't say anything. Everything was possible as soon as he returned to my apartment.

When he arrived at the apartment, it appeared as like he was taking the long way home, and I began to question whether this was a wise decision. It was impossible for me to keep up with how quickly we were travelling, and any decent Daddy would have thought we were going too fast. What was wrong with a Little wanting some fun with their Daddy, even if it was promised to them?

As soon as we returned to the apartment, I immediately began cleaning up the puzzle pieces and plush animals, while Nathan began preparing the living room for the movie. It didn't take long for me to tidy up, and it felt good to have everything in order now that he was here. Although I despised it, I was embarrassed that my apartment had been such a mess by the time he came to visit.

That the movie seemed to go on for an eternity, and that he didn't seem to be interested in anything other than the movie, was something I despised about it. Despite my best efforts, he never appeared to see me cuddled up next to him, doing everything I could to recapture his attention. At long last, when the credits began to roll, I looked up and gave him a friendly smile.

"Should we watch another movie?" I asked. The question came from me as I tried to get a better look at his face. He responded by shaking his head, which he did while looking down at me.

"I was actually wondering whether you'd be interested in doing something different," he replied, his face softly smiling. "I don't think I ever got the grand tour." I nodded my head in response and pushed myself up to my feet.

"Of course," I said as I extended my hand to shake his. "In the event that you enjoyed my stuffed animal collection in the living room, I am confident that you will enjoy the one in the bedroom."