Hurt sears my insides and I hate him a little for saying that because I suspect that’s exactly what Dad would do. “Or he could come back because his daughter has been taken by his boss?” I reply anyway.

The flames die down a little and his eyes also turn gentle. “I know you want to believe that, but we both know it’s not true. Would he have called you tonight to find out how you were or let you know when he was getting home? If he was coming home at all? Or does he just come and go as he pleases, barely acknowledging your existence?”

I try to avoid his gaze, but his thumb on my chin nudges me back up. So I brazen it out. “I’m nineteen. I don’t need constant monitoring like a child.”

“Enough, Skye. Your father has neglected you for years. I’m not going to give him another chance to hurt you again.”

“Why? Why do you care?” I lash out.

That unholy light flames into his eyes again and I swallow at the intensity of it.

His hand drops and he steps back. “We won’t go into that right now. You wanted to know why I took your phone and now you do.”

I follow him down the hallway until we reach my door.

He throws it open and I’m expecting him to enter behind me but he stays in the doorway, bounces on his feet a few times before he shoves his hands in his pockets.

I realize…he’s physically restraining himself from coming in.

My confusion must show because he flashes a strained smile, his eyes flicking from my face to the bed and back again. “If I enter this room, I’m not going to stop until I’m balls deep inside that pink piece of heaven between your legs. But before that happens, we still need to set some ground rules.”

I bristle at his assumption that it’s going to happen, even though my pelvis heats up and flip-flops like crazy. “Did you have my other bedroom watched when you were cyber-stalking me?” I fling out to counteract the crazy emotions cartwheeling through me.

“I familiarized myself with everything in your life so there were no surprises, but no, there was no surveillance in your bedroom.”

“What does that even mean?”

That feral-edged smile returns. “It means I know everything about you, little girl. I had Amelie and Mason run back to get a few of your things. If they missed anything essential, let me know. Go take your shower. I’ll be back in half an hour.”

With another searing glance, he walks away.

Something tight and urgent balls in my chest.

I don’t know whether I want to scream or chase after him. I feel as if I’m understanding him and yet I’m floored by everything he says.

I had Amelie and Mason run back to get a few of your things…

Jared’s people have been in my house, touched my belongings. I race past the bed to the dressing room and yup, in the large dressing room adjoining the bathroom, a bunch of my stuff takes up a fraction of the space.

Jared could’ve left me in the clothes I was brought here in.

Instead, he’s ensured I have something familiar around me. Am I being naive in feeling grateful for his thoughtfulness in making me comfortable even though he’s kidnapped me?

I shrug the confusing emotions away and take off my shorts and top. The handful of clothes have been packed away according to color so it’s easy to see the outfits.

Another pair of my favorite pink leggings, hoodies and tanks are next to the white versions. The pink tutu I love to practice in and indulge in dreams I know now won’t come true is also on the shelf.

In a drawer are a few scraps of underwear and at the bottom of one cubicle, my favorite blush-colored flats sit next to the pointe shoes that were in my backpack.

The backpack itself is slotted into a wide cubbyhole next to it. On the makeup table, my lip balm, hand cream and hairbrush are three lonely items sitting on the wide, shiny surface.

Besides my tablet, I have everything I need for the next few days.

Or for however longer Jared intends to keep me here.

My heart jumps when I remember he’s coming back in half an hour.

Tugging off my clothes, I head to the bathroom. We didn’t come in here during the tour and my mouth gapes again as I stare at the bathroom.