Fuck me, she’s magnificent.

I can’t hold back any longer.

I brush my fingers between her legs, then the devil himself prowling through me, I grip the seams of her leggings and rip the material apart.

A squeal rocks through her body, unsettling her stance.

“Don’t move, angel. Not unless you want to upset Daddy.”

* * *


My mouth gapesin shock as a new sensation ripples through me.

Given that it was my mother who’d abandoned me, I should be riddled with mommy issues.

Instead, my secret yearnings have all been about having a daddy to take care of me. Hearing Jared call himself Daddy sends fresh waves of longing through me but these were wrapped in highly sexual charges, the kind that pools between my legs and robs me of breath.

“You like that, don’t you?” Jared croons, his hands efficiently divesting me of the tattered tights. “If I touch this tight little snatch, will I find you wet, little girl?”

I squeeze my eyes shut, every ounce of control holding thatyesinside. It will give him too much power over me.

“Answer me or I’ll make you hold this pose for another five minutes while I spank that delicious ass.” His hand creeps slowly up my standing leg, drawing ever closer to that secret place no one has explored but me, and even then with very little idea of what I was doing since that curious ball of need never goes away, only builds and builds and doesn’t give me relief no matter how much I touch myself. “Are you soaked for your Daddy?”

Scrunching my eyes even tighter, I answer. “Yes.”

“Open your eyes, angel. Look at me.”

I obey and find him even closer, still on his knees next me.

His fly is still wide open and his huge cock stands at rigid attention.

The drop of liquid is now dripping down the underside. The sight of that drop sparks, sharp and exhilarating, inside me I don’t understand.

“Fuck. You keep looking at my dick like that and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

My gaze flies to his face and it dawns on me that he’s lost all semblance of civility. His hunger is deeper, darker, sharper than mine.

Jared Prince on his knees is a Neanderthal possessed as his gaze flicks between my face and my womanhood.

“Maybe I don’t have to be,” he muses, half under his breath. “Maybe I can cite insanity. Because I haven’t even touched that tight little pussy and already I’m sunk. I can smell you, angel. I’m going to be hooked even before I’ve tasted it, aren’t I?” His hand creeps up another inch and a shudder courses through him.

Almost tentatively, reverently, his thumb ghosts over the wet cotton shielding my feminine core. A tiny cry ejects from my throat, followed by a full-bodied shiver.

“Jesus, you’re soaked,” he growls. Then he touches me again.

His movements are convulsive, like he can’t help himself. Like he’s hanging on by a thread.

Heat and longing and hunger pummel me and I teeter on my foot. “I…I can’t hold it,” I whisper.

He makes an incoherent sound in his throat as he continues with featherlight touches over my nether lips. My shaking intensifies.

“Please,” I beg.

He caresses me again, this time dragging the tip of his nail over my clit.

When my balance begins to shatter, he wraps one hand around my thigh and the other beneath my bent waist, easily holding me up. “Shhh, angel. I’ve got you.”