
Itry to throttle my emotions when she wipes my essence on her skirt instead of putting me in her mouth like every atom of my being wants her to.

That look on her face—the cross between innocent curiosity and trepidation—forces me leash more of my emotions.

She thinks I’m unhinged. An animal. She’s not wrong.

But I was civil once.

I had a wide pool of friends, moved in respectable circles. Belonged to the right clubs and topped the guestlist of every VIP event in New York City.

I was the poster boy for “work hard, play harder, fuck hardest.”

I owned Wall Street.

Until my father and a bunch of those same inner circle bastards I could’ve sworn would never betray me opened my eyes to what manic greed and barbarity looked like.

I don’t have a single regret for the actions I took to sever all ties with the outside world.

My only regret is that the years of leading a reclusive life—my version of it anyway—has roughened my edges, sharpened my intolerance for bullshit to the point of making my princess skittish.

And she is mine.

There’s no fucking way I’m letting her go now.

I need inside her like I need air, but I can’t frighten her into it.

So I gather the crumbs of my forgotten civility and exhale through my nose. I’m not sorry about all the caveman claiming words I used earlier.

It’s better she knows the score right off the bat. That she’s mine and no one else gets to take what’s mine.

The rest of it needs…easing into.

I cradle her jaw and drift my thumb over lips I know taste better than fucking ambrosia.

“What worries you, princess? That I won’t be gentle?” I hope not because I can’t promise that I will go easy once my dick gets anywhere near that insanely beautiful snatch.

Her body is too ripe, that cunt too tempting for that “ease into it one inch at time” bullshit. She’s getting all eleven inches at first thrust.

I groan inwardly at the torture of it and wait for her to respond. Her eyes are on my cock and she’s blushing bright red again. Fuck me, she’s adorable.

“You’re big,” she whispers eventually.

And of course, my dick swells even bigger at the compliment. Her eyes grow wider and I want to laugh. “Look at me, angel.”

She drags her gaze from my lap and her alluring eyes meet mine.

“You have my word that I’ll make it good for you.”

She exhales shakily. I move my thumb again, hold it against her mouth. She whimpers then her lips part, letting me in. Without instruction, she sucks on my thumb and I see fucking stars.

“Do you believe me?”

Without releasing my thumb, she nods.

“Do you want it?”