She’s positively feral when she hears her pussy make that sound when I’m deep inside her. I have grooves in my shoulders and back to show for them.

And I’m even more obsessed with acquiring more.

But all of that isn’t sustainable. The bubble will inevitably burst.

And yet I’m nowhere near ready when my life starts to unravel.

It starts with a call from my attorney that my father is seeking early release from prison.

I tear my attorney a new asshole for bringing me that news, but hours after I hang up, I can’t shake Skye’s voice out of me head.

Forgive and let go…the baggage only weighs you down and takes up room.

The temptation to do just that because it will make me a better man…a man she might grow to care more about, hell, even love is…appealing. Appealing enough to let my fucker of a father win, though? What about her own father?

The conundrum is enough to pry me from Skye’s side for the first time in days.

I leave her with Olsteen and I head to my personal gym on Penthouse Five and hit the treadmill, hoping to outrun the chaos of my thoughts.

I’m nowhere near achieving that when Mason appears behind the glass doors leading into the gym. I beckon him in, instinct telling me my mood is about to spiral further out of control.

“Sir, there’s a situation you need to know about.”