
Inotice the dark SUV sitting at the end of my block the very next day after I leave Jared’s residence and return home.

It’s Saturday. I don’t have class so I don’t see it until mid-morning after I drag myself out of bed to fetch my phone from my backpack so I can drown the sound of my sobs with music.

My heart leaps into my throat at the sight of it before I remember that the man I fell in love with, the one who made me feel like the most precious thing in the world before he proved just how monstrous he was, hasn’t left his evil lair in the sky for years.

He’s not about to do it for me.

When morbid curiosity drags me back to the window a few hours later, I’m tempted to storm outside to demand what they want. But the thought of itnotbeing Mason or any of Jared’s security guys sends me rushing back to bed, fresh tears dripping down my chin.

My calls and texts to Dad remain unanswered. I’ve never felt more alone in my life.

On Monday, I cancel my classes for the week. Mrs. Olsteen isn’t happy, but I don’t offer any explanation.

I miss Jared with every breath I struggle to take, and I curse my pathetic weakness. But when I eventually fall asleep somewhere around midnight on Monday, Jared haunts me.

He invades may dreams, gently cups my jaw and smiles lopsidedly at my jokes.

The dozenth time he calls meangel, I jerk upright. Then burst into hiccupping tears when reality comes crashing down.

The pounding on the front door makes me realize it wasn’t just my dreams that woke me.

I stagger to the door to find Mason crowding the entrance, all black suit and blacker sunglasses. My insides twist with wild hope before I push it away. “What do you want?”

“We need you to come with us, Miss Michaels.”

I glare at him. “I feel like we’ve danced this tune before, Mason. Go away. Please.”

He blocks me when I try to shut the door. But unlike the first time we met, there’s an air of desperation around him.

He plucks his wraparound shades from his eyes—another first—and his brown eyes are dull with concern. “I know things didn’t end well…with you and Mr. Prince, but this is urgent.”

The heart I thought was pulverized to nothing twitches in my chest. “W-what do you mean? What’s happened?”

I realize I’ve yelled the last two words when Mason flinches. “He tried to leave the residence, to come to you, we think. He didn’t tell anyone. He just walked out of the building…” He stops and shakes his head.

“What happened?” I scream again.

“He walked into traffic, Miss Michaels. We think he was disoriented…or worse. There was an accident.”

My legs turn to noodles. I know I’m upright only because Mason is clutching my elbow. “Is he…is he…?” I can’t bring myself to say the word.

“No, but it’s serious. He’s refusing medical intervention. He’s been calling for you. The doctors are warning that if they don’t operate soon, he might die.”

Another sob of terror rips from my throat at the thought of losing Jared. “Take me to him. Please.”

* * *

I’m shockedat how awful Jared looks when I reach the private hospital.

He hasn’t shaved, probably since I left. His eyes are sunken, his breathing is off, and pallor is ashen. He has cuts and bruises on his forehead, hands and arms.

The machine he’s attached to goes haywire when he sees me. His eyes light up when I stumble into the room, then dim with pain and confusion. “Skye? What are you…?”

“Mason came to get me.”