Page 11 of Mine to Keep

I pursed my lips, sitting back against the chair a little bit harder than I meant to. From behind the counter, Cyrus sighed and put down the pan that he’d pulled free from the cabinet. He rounded the island. I tensed, unsure of his intentions.

I watched him closely, but I sensed no malevolence on his part, so I stayed put.

As he approached me, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He tapped the screen a few times and then turned it to face me.

“I want you to look at this, Ava,” he demanded softly.

I glanced at him with increasing curiosity, then down at his phone screen. It was a black and white still shot. I chewed my lip, leaning forward to study it more closely.

“This was taken last night a short while after you sat down at one of my tables downstairs,” he explained.

“You own the place?” I squeaked.

“I do. I own the building. Now stop trying to distract me and look at the picture like I asked you to,” he continued.

With a soft nod, I turned back to his phone. I reached forward, using my fingers to zoom in on the group of men.

I jerked away, almost as if looking at them made them real.

I recognized the faces. One of them was Jon and the other was Anthony. The two of them were surrounded by a bunch of massive brutes. I knew they were out looking for me.

Unable to suppress a cry of fear from escaping my lips, I got up and retreated. I didn’t get very far though because Cyrus’ hand closed over my wrist, preventing me from going any further.

“You know who these men are, don’t you, Ava?” he pressed.

“I… I… don’t,” I stuttered, but he shook his head. Without saying a word, he pulled one of the chairs forward and took a seat. He gently jerked me toward him, and I was so caught off guard that I didn’t even tense as I fell forward in his direction.

By the time I realized what was happening, I was already lying face down over his lap. I gasped, trying to grasp what this position meant.

There was only one thing that happened when a woman was over a man’s knee like this.

Was Cyrus about to spank me?

His shirt was so long that it covered my backside, but I flushed upon coming to terms that I was over his lap and all he would need to do to expose me was to flip up that single piece of clothing.

I was suddenly very thankful that I’d left my panties on last night.

“You’ve lied to me, Ava,” he began, and his hand settled on top of my backside. I swallowed hard, feeling like nothing more than a naughty girl about to get a real dose of discipline for the first time in her life.

I’d read countless books where the headstrong heroine was put into her place with a hard spanking over the dashing hero’s knee, but I had never dreamed that I would ever find myself in a position like that. Modern day men just weren’t built that way. Hell, I was lucky if they were gentleman enough to take me out on a real date at a nice restaurant where they actually paid for the meal rather than forgetting their wallet back home.

“What are you doing?” I finally squeaked.

I wasn’t dumb. I was over his knee and his palm was sitting very threateningly against my ass. His other arm draped across my lower back and grasped my hip, pinning me into place even though I had yet to begin fighting him.

“Please let me up,” I tried next.

“You lied to me several times now, Ava, and bad little girls who lie to me are punished,” he explained, and my mouth went dry.

Punished. “You can’t mean that,” I scoffed.

His palm smoothed over my backside. “I do, Ava. I’m going to punish you and if you want me to let you up, you’re going to promise that you’ll tell me the truth,” he continued.

“Please, just let me up,” I pleaded.

The broad expanse of his palm left my backside as the hand on my hip gripped me more tightly. He was so big that my toes only just reached the floor. I felt so tiny like this, but there was nothing I could do. I tried to rock my hips so that I could roll away, but his hold on me was firm. It was as if he’d locked me in place.

“Cyrus! Please!” I tried one more time, but his massive palm smacked my backside hard. The sound of it was the most shocking part of all. Sure, it made sense that it would be loud, but it was so much noisier than I’d ever imagined it would be. The clap reverberated off the walls, making my stomach plummet down to the floor.