Page 27 of Mine to Keep

“Mikey’s got nine other siblings,” I smirked.

“Wow. That must have been a crazy house to grow up in,” she said thoughtfully.

“Still is,” I chuckled.

She laughed and the musical sound filled the room. She smiled and a cute little dimple appeared on her left cheek, which only added to her delightfully endearing charm. When her giggling quieted, she took another bite of her sub, chewing thoughtfully.

“So, what happens now?” she asked. Her eyes narrowed slightly, her brow furrowing with contemplation.

“You’re going to stay here. I’m going to meet with a business associate of mine concerning your problem. I will see that it is handled,” I answered briskly. She nodded, chewing her lip.

“How long will you be gone?” she asked.

“Only a few hours. If you need anything at all, call me. Both Stevie and Mikey downstairs are big guys too. They won’t let anyone hurt you either,” I continued.

She glanced at the belt and then back to me. I didn’t say anything about it, but I really didn’t need to. She tried to cover up the way she fidgeted in her seat by taking another bite, but I’d noticed anyway. Her bottom was sore, and I liked it that way. It would remind her that I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again if she needed it.

I worked through my own sub quickly. When I was done, I poked at the antipasto before I passed it along to her. She beamed and ended up eating most of it all by herself. I delighted in her healthy appetite, knowing that she’d burned off a ton in my bed.

By the time we finished dinner, it was after seven. I stood up and grabbed my belt. She started and I smirked, but I only worked it into my slacks. When I clasped the leather strap around my waist, she relaxed visibly. I wanted her thinking about me when I was gone though.

I strode over to her and took her wrist, leading her away from the table and into the living room. She came willingly, at least until I bent her over the couch and swatted her ass several times.

“Cyrus!” she gasped.

I groaned as I grasped her bottom with my hands. I wasn’t gentle, but I knew that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to be manhandled and I enjoyed it as much as she did.

“When I get back, I’m going to show you how much I missed you,” I growled, and a delightfully aroused sigh flew from her lips. I pulled her back up and captured her in a hard kiss, swallowing her sighs and making them mine. When I finally drew away, her lips were flushed red, and I traced my thumb across them.

“Promise?” she breathed.

“I promise,” I vowed with a smile. I kissed her once more before I turned away and walked out the door. I descended the stairs, imagining all the shameful things I’d make her do when I returned.

* * *

My driver took me right to the front door of McGuire’s. It was still pretty early, but there were plenty of patrons at the bar when I walked inside. It had an old musty smell, but the place had been around for about forty years at this point, so it just added to its charm. It was dark inside with heavy wooden beams lining the ceilings and the walls. There was a big stone fireplace at the back with a cozy fire that crackled constantly and there were at least a dozen small candles lighting the tables.

I didn’t go to the bar. I headed toward the back where I knew I’d find Jon. There was a large booth there that was hidden from prying eyes. I rounded the corner to find him waiting for me with two full glasses of whiskey.

“I took the liberty of having Liam pour us both a glass of the best in the house,” he offered.

I slid into the booth and took a sip. The alcohol burned as it glided down my throat, impossibly smooth and incredibly flavorsome.

“Oak barrel aged for more than twenty-five years,” Jon continued.

“You remembered what I liked,” I grinned.

“It’s been a few years, Cyrus.” He sat back. His gaze was thoughtful.

“It has. The old life wore on me, but I find myself drawn back in again,” I answered. I took another sip of whiskey, savoring the smoky aftertaste.

“You want back in the game?” he asked.

“Not especially,” I replied.

“What is it then?” he pressed curiously.

“A woman,” I said. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed.