Page 48 of Mine to Keep

“I’m so sorry,” I whimpered, and he clutched me even closer.

“I know, little girl. I forgave you as soon as I got the call,” he reassured me and for some reason that made me cry even harder. I curled up in a tighter ball, listening to the soothing sound of his breath and the constant beat of his heart.

Eventually, my own tears dried, and my breathing returned to a normal pace. My body temperature started to drop, and I began to tremble.

“Come, let’s get you dressed and then I’ll take you to the car and hold you some more, my sweet girl,” he said. He seemed reluctant to let me go. A single finger slipped under my chin, and he lifted my face so that he could capture it in a soft kiss.

“I love you,” I whispered when he pulled away.

“I love you too, my Ava,” he answered.

My heart skipped a beat.

Carefully, I unfurled myself as he helped me to my feet. He slipped my bra over my shoulders, clipped it behind my back and then helped me into my shirt. He knelt and guided my feet into my socks next.

He placed a gentle kiss on top of my mound, and I was so sensitive that I gasped at the unexpected tenderness.

“You are not allowed to wear panties until morning,” he said, and I blushed hard, but knew better than to argue. “I want that little pussy bare to remind you that wasn’t where I fucked you tonight.”

My face was on fire with shame.

He stood up and his palm cupped my pussy possessively. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll fuck this little pussy tomorrow. If you’re not, I think you know where I’ll fuck you instead.”

“Yes, sir.” My voice was so soft I wasn’t sure I had spoken aloud.

“Where do you get fucked when you’ve been a bad girl?” he pressed.

“In my ass, sir,” I whimpered.

“That’s right, Ava,” he smirked, but his desire was written all over his face.

He helped me thread one foot and then the other into my jeans. I hissed as he pulled them up over my welted backside, but I said nothing. He buttoned them for me and guided me into the seat so that he could put my shoes on too.

Being dressed by him was both comforting and embarrassing at the same time. It only compounded the fact that he’d just spanked and fucked me and made it that much more shameful.

He took my panties and shoved them in his pocket. I watched him as he grabbed his belt next, trembling a little when I thought about it lashing my backside just a short while ago.

“I can carry you out to the car or you can walk with me, but you’ll be holding my hand. Which would you prefer?” he asked with a soft smile.

“I’d like to walk with you,” I answered quietly. When he offered his hand to me, I brushed my fingers against it.

It was the hand he’d spanked me with.

He guided me out of the room with my fingers enfolded in his. I didn’t look up as we strolled through the station, not wanting to face anyone that had heard me beg and scream through the entirety of my punishment. The walk felt impossibly long, but eventually we reached a door and he opened it for me. I only realized it wasn’t the front one when the chilly outside air caught me by surprise. Startled, I lifted my gaze to take in my surroundings.

We’d exited through a back door of some kind. There wasn’t much time for me to figure out where exactly we were because Cyrus quickly led me to a tinted black SUV that was only a short distance away. He lifted me into the backseat and slid in beside me, shutting the door after he was fully inside. He wasted no time in gathering me in his lap again.

I didn’t protest because I desperately wanted him to hold me too.