Page 65 of Mine to Keep

The knife was so sharp that it slipped into his flesh with surprising ease. His face twisted with shock.

Anthony opened his mouth to scream, and I grabbed the hilt with both hands to pull it out. He was frozen in pain, and I took advantage of that by slicing his throat.

I told myself it was a mercy to end his agony. Kidney injuries were incredibly painful, but he would bleed out this way that much faster. I told myself that this wasn’t revenge, but there was a very small part of me that delighted in killing him.

The warmth of his blood poured onto my skin, and I angled my head up so that it didn’t fall on my face. I cried out as his body quickly became dead weight on top of me. I panicked for several seconds, trying to push against his shoulders and get him off. My fingers slipped and I whimpered when I realized that they were covered in blood too.

It was so warm and wet, and I hated every single moment.

I closed my eyes, pretending this wasn’t what it was. With a deep breath and all the strength that I could muster, I pulled myself out from beneath him. When I finally rolled off onto the floor, I cried out, not with pain but with triumph.

I laid there for several long minutes before I summoned the will to get to my feet. It was only then that I noticed that the knife was still in my hands. I let it go.

It bounced and time seemed to slow as it clattered to the floor. I stared at it, the metal no longer shining because it was covered in blood.

Anthony’s blood.

Blood from the man I’d killed.

There was some sort of commotion outside, and I started, taking a step back and almost slipping before I caught myself. My heart pounded like a drum, and I sucked in a breath like I had just breached the surface of the ocean. A part of me felt like I was drowning.

A wail escaped me.

The bedroom door flew open, and three men poured inside. I stood there in nothing but a bra and panties and stared back at them.

They almost seemed as shocked to see me as I was to see them. Their mouths opened and closed like they were trying to figure out something to say. There was no hiding what had happened. I didn’t look, but I knew the sight of Anthony’s corpse was probably just as jarring as the image of me covered in his blood.

The one in the center grabbed a gun from his belt, cocked it, and aimed it in my direction.

I should have thought to run or yell or something, but it seemed that all I was capable of was just standing there.

“Anthony!” one of them called out. He wouldn’t answer.

“He’s dead,” I said simply like it was the most obvious thing in the world. For some reason my voice wasn’t really working, and they didn’t seem to hear me. They started talking amongst themselves like I wasn’t even there.

They looked confused at this point, almost as if they didn’t know what to do. They looked to one another and then back at me.

“Do we kill her? Take her hostage?” one of them asked.

“Who’s even in charge now?” another questioned.

I swayed side to side on my feet. I glanced down at the knife.

Standing seemed awfully difficult. A wave of dizziness almost knocked me over, so I knelt down. I didn’t really think about it as I reached for the knife. I was reacting solely on instinct now.

My mind had gone blank.

A phone started to ring in the biggest one’s pocket, and I jumped at the sound. He gestured to the others to keep their guns on me until they figured out what they should do with me. He answered it and took a step into the kitchen area. I heard him murmur something, but I wasn’t really listening.

I looked up at the other two. Neither of them seemed to want to pull the trigger or do anything yet. They both seemed entirely bewildered by what they’d found in this room.

When the third man walked back into the room, I noticed that his face was white as a sheet.

“That was Jon,” he said quickly and the other two jerked their heads toward him.

“Well, what did he say?” one of them exclaimed, nervously glancing back at me and then at him.

“Apparently, he wants us to know that the girl belongs to the big boss, Cyrus Holt. He also warned that if anything happens to her that he’ll be very angry,” the big one explained anxiously.