“Lea! You can’t just say that and walk away.”

“Sure I can.” Azalea turned on her toes to walk toward her car, sending Jewel a grin over her shoulder as she strolled away. Tonight was going to be a good night.

The drive home was quick, and Jewel was there before she was. Just like she had planned. The lights were on, including the outside light by the stairs. Azalea opened the door and stepped inside, curious as to what Jewel had found. She’d left a note by the flowers, officially asking Jewel to start moving in slowly over the next two months. She figured two months of it would give her enough time to adjust. She was shocked she hadn’t needed the entire year to get used to the idea, but since the two of them spent so much time together already, it wasn’t all that much different than their norm.

The card was gone, but Jewel was nowhere to be found. Azalea dropped her keys in the bowl by the door and stepped farther inside after flipping the lock into place. “J?”

“In the kitchen.”

Jewel was bent over, head in the fridge, looking for something. Azalea could not tear her eyes from Jewel’s plump ass as she stuck it out, totally not meaning anything sexual by it, but there it was. Azalea gripped the door to the fridge and opened it wider.

“Find what you were looking for?”

“No.” Jewel sighed. “What’d you eat for dinner?”


“Of course.” Jewel pouted. “What do you have? I haven’t eaten since lunch.”

“Are you serious?” Azalea reached in for another container of leftovers. She handed it over before turning to grab a plate and fork. Jewel made up the plate and plopped it into the microwave. They sat together while Jewel ate, energy vibrating off her. Jewel’s foot bounced up and down, her shoulders were tight, and her fingers tapped on the tabletop.

Azalea reached over and gripped Jewel’s free hand, bringing it down to her knee. “What’d you think of the card?”

“Do you want me to move in here?”

Cocking her head to the side, Azalea studied her. “Yes. I don’t think that was ever in question.”

“All right, rephrasing. Do you want me to move in here now?”

She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes. We need to talk to the super, but yes.”

“We should probably talk to him first.”

Leaning in, Azalea kissed Jewel’s lips, then her cheek, then just below her ear. “I don’t care what he says. If he is opposed, I’ll find a new job.”

“Would you still want to live here?” Jewel turned her chin up and to the side, giving Azalea enough access to her neck.

She took full advantage of it. “Yes, so long as you did.”

“You can’t give up your job.”

“I’m willing to.” This time Azalea used her tongue, tracing lines and circles and fun curlicues. Jewel whined in the back of her throat. “I’m not going to give this up.”

“You drive a hard bargain.”

“Is it what you want?”

“Yes,” Jewel whispered, dropping her fork. “Yes, I want to move in here.”

“Good.” Azalea nipped, her teeth digging lightly into the soft skin at Jewel’s neck, pulling it to leave a light bruise. A thrill raced through her. Would people ask? They would no doubt wonder if they saw it. Would they think she’d done it? It didn’t matter either way because both she and Jewel would know.

“Why the change? I thought we were taking this slow.”

“I realized I’m not as young as you.”

Jewel snorted. She downright snorted. Azalea jerked back and gave her an incredulous look.
