
“Do I get my own side of the bed?” Her eyes were narrowed.

Azalea dashed her tongue across her lips. “You already have that.”

“All right. I’ll give you that one. Do I give up my lease?”


Jewel raised an eyebrow slowly, her face straight and in poker mode. Azalea worked her best to try and read what Jewel was thinking and feeling, but she was drawing a blank. “Are you sure?”

“I am,” Azalea reaffirmed. “I want you to live with me. I want to build a life with you. I love you.”

“Fine. I’ll start moving stuff over.”

“That’s it?” Azalea drew her brow together.

“Why? Too anticlimactic?”

“Yes, actually.” Azalea wrinkled her nose. “I guess I just thought it’d be a bigger deal than it is.”

“It is a big deal. And I will show you just how big a deal it is.”

“What?” Azalea was taken aback. Jewel stood up and held out both her hands.

“Take them.” The dare had been issued. Azalea pressed her fingers into Jewel’s, the warmth in her hands drawing her no matter what she tried to do. They would have so much to tackle in the future, but Azalea knew by then that it would all be worth it.

“Where are we going?”

Jewel winked as she walked in front of Azalea. “To my side of the bed.”

With her heart full, Azalea followed. She never would have thought in a million years that she would have landed in a relationship with her best friend. But for the first time in two decades, she didn’t live for her days. She reveled in her nights. Her voice was husky when she answered, full of love, passion, and desire. “I’m right behind you.”

“Yeah, you are.”

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