Page 19 of His to Ruin

Prue didn't know what to feel when she saw Khadem take his wallet out, and she only realized just how much he had given her when the bill was already in her hand.

"This is too much—-"

Khadem placed his calling card on top of the hundred-dollar bill. "Call me when you need me, angel."

I'm no angel. I never was, and I can never be one.

Those were what she wanted to say, but she couldn't, since he was already walking away, and as she watched him with eyes made blurry by tears, she felt as if he was taking a piece of her heart with him.

Prue closed her eyes. This was the end then. This would be the last time she would see him—-

"You're crying."

Prue's eyes flew open, and she was stunned to see Khadem standing right in front of her again, and she could only cry harder as she felt him wipe her tears away with his thumb.

"I tried to let you go," Khadem said tersely, "because I thought that was what you wanted. I thought you were scared of me—-"

Prue was already shaking her head before he even finished speaking. "You took care of me last night."

His lips twisted in a humorless smile. "Do you really think that?"

"Yes," she said fiercely. "Other men would've t-taken my virginity, but you didn't!"

"If you choose to stay with me now," Khadem warned tightly, "I will never be able to let you go."

Prue was having a hard time keeping herself from reading too much in his words. "W-What exactly are you saying?"

"Wherever I go, you go. I will always keep you by my side, and the whole world will know that you are my woman and mine alone."

"Oh, Khadem..."

Prue's voice shook, and Khadem cursed under his breath when her big, brown eyes welled up with tears. "If the thought of marrying me is making you cry," he gritted out, "then forget I said anything. Just say what you damn want—-"

"It's you," Prue choked out.

Khadem stiffened, and a moment later, Prue had thrown herself in his arms, and Khadem's heart slammed against his chest.

"I'm scared, Khadem."

"Don't be."

"Things are happening too fast."

"Things are happening exactly as they're meant to be."

Prue pulled back to smile up at him tearily. "Because I'm destined to be yours?"


"A-And you?"

He took her hand and placed it on his chest, and Prue felt the hard pounding of his heart.

"Is that answer enough, my angel?"

Chapter Ten

Khadem: Have you broken up yet?

Prue only had to imagine what life would be like with and without Khadem, and she knew right away there was only one choice for her to make.

I'm sorry, Klaus.

Prue's fingers shook as she sent a text to Klaus, and her stomach turned queasy with nerves when he replied in moments.

Klaus: I can be there in half an hour. Is that okay?

Prue had just texted 'yes' to Klaus when her phone suddenly rang, and she quickly answered the call when she saw Mom pop up on her screen.