Page 2 of His to Ruin

"In the years that Huzna was still under my father's predecessor, illegitimacy had still been considered taboo, and Khadem was frequently bullied because of it."

I can't help bristling at the thought of a young boy being bullied for his parents' decisions. Shitheads!

"Bullying in those times was not a crime, and sons from wealthy families could get away with practically anything. In his first two years in high school, there was not a day that our youngest brother did not come home all bloodied and beaten up," Saif recalls grimly. "But because Khadem forbade any of us to interfere, and we understood how much his pride mattered to him, we forced ourselves to do nothing even as he suffered beating after beating."

"There has to be a happy ending to all of this...right?"

"Of course."

Hearing this should've made me feel glad, but the glint in Saif's eyes make me feel rather wary instead.

"Our little brother eventually learned to fight back," the sheikh drawls, "and once he did, everyone who used to bully him ended up in a hospital."

I. Knew. It.

This is Saif, after all. I should've expected his definition of a happy ending would be anything but normal.

"Not only that," Saif continues, "but he has also become the most proficient among us in battle."

"How, um, wonderful."

"I remember there was this incident when Khadem was in his late teens, and one of the assholes who used to make his life hell tried to ambush my brother with the help of his friends. They would've killed Khadem if they could, but their plans completely backfired. Two of them ended up with brain trauma while the other two have no chances of ever walking again."

Saif glances at me as if expecting a reaction, and since the pride in his voice when talking about Khadem is unmistakable, all I can do is smile weakly in response even as I make a mental note to myself.

Never make the mistake of getting on Khadem's bad side. Like, ever!

"Do you have any other questions about my brothers?"

I shake my head.


And without any other warning, the sheikh grasps my hips to lift me up—-

Oh God.

All I can do is moan as I find myself fully impaled by the sheikh's throbbing hardness, and Saif's fingers bite into my skin as his hips start pumping furiously against mine.

While the feel of our bodies rocking hard against each other is making my head spin, the sound of Saif's low, harsh pants as he fucks me harder and harder is just as arousing, and before I know it I'm already crying out in his arms while the sheikh growls my name as he shoots his load inside of me.

Water laps around us as I collapse against his chest in the aftermath of my orgasm, and my heart skips a beat when I feel Saif's lips touch my forehead.


I nearly sigh out loud at how tender his voice sounds. "Yes, sheikh?"

"I'd just like you to know..."

My heart starts to race. "W-What?"


Having caught sight of the way Alta's skirt had inched all the way up to reveal her underwear, Prue quickly reached for the hem to tug it back down.

"Eww!" Alta slapped the other girl's hand away in disgust. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Your underwear was showing," Prue protested.

Alta rolled her eyes. "Duh. Do you think I'd wear something like this if I didn't want to show it?"