ripped from their life at some factory, and a plaid button-up

shirt. Her hair was piled on top her head in a messy bun, and

even without makeup, she was a vision. No wonder people

liked watching her videos about her house. They probably

hung on for the moment when the dark-haired beauty stepped

in front of the lens.

“Yes,” she said, her metal flipper extended up straight in the

air. “I do.”

“Then you understand why I left.”

“Yes. Would you have done it if he hadn’t tried to force you

to marry someone you didn’t want to?”

That was a good question. Cassia wasn’t sure how to answer

that, so she glanced at the pan of eggs instead. As she

suspected, they were burning. She pointed them out and

Adalynn let out a yelp and rushed forward with the flipper,

trying to dislodge them from the bottom of the pan. She cursed

softly, almost out of hearing.

Cassia smiled softly to herself, but she hid it by turning

around to get a glass down from the cupboard. The kitchen

was adorable, with a white farmhouse sink, white appliances

probably from the fifties given their rounded edges and barely

working, energy consuming functions, and powder pink

cabinets. The countertop had been replaced at some time and

was made up with salmon pink square tiles with white grout in


“I’ve seen some of your videos,” she said. “They’re


She turned to watch Adalynn trying to scrape the half-

burned eggs out of the pan onto two plates. She’d made

breakfast the day before instead of going outside early in the