reached for her camera. “Come outside when you’re finished.

I’ll show you how the camera works, and you can do some of

the filming.” She winked. “Besides, I can’t imagine scraping

old paint off the house before putting new paint on will be

very fun.”

Cassia didn’t imagine it would be, but she wanted to do

something useful to pay Adalynn back for the hospital bills. If

this was what Adalynn wanted, then she was more than willing

to do it.

“I’ll be able to handle it. I could scrape for a few hours, then

come take a break, if that works.”

“Sure. That sounds like it would work well.” Adalynn

grinned, hoisted the camera up effortlessly in one hand and

opened the big back sliding door with the other. She was so

graceful stepping outside, shutting the door easily behind her

even while carrying her equipment, that Cassia let out a small,

frustrated groan.

She was glad Adalynn wasn’t in there to hear it.

Chapter 12


Adalynn had been determined that going to Vegas and

asking Cassia to stay with her would be a gesture of kindness

only. She didn’t want to expect things from Cassia, or anyone

else. She was going to pay the hospital bill no matter what.

She firmly told herself it was because she had been given so

many good things in her life, so many blessings, that she damn

well should start passing it on because that was the right thing

to do.

She never fully believed it. She wasn’t a saint by any

measure and her altruism over the past years had been sorely