strawberry blond hair. He was prone to blushes, even though

he was already slightly red and sunburned.

“Oh. Hi.” Cassia blinked and smiled prettily.

Adalynn clutched her camera even tighter in her hands. Was

Cassia flirting with Jason? If she was, why should that inflame

Adalynn? Certainly, she wasn’t jealous, was she? The tingling

in her chest that zinged down her arms and exploded in her

fingertips so that her hands shook was a new sensation, one

she’d never felt before. The way her heart picked up and her

stomach clenched for a reason other than she hadn’t eaten all

day and it was near dinnertime was further proof that yes, she


She was jealous of Cassia just saying hi and being nice.

Because that’s all it was, wasn’t it? Cassia was a lesbian.

That’s what she’d told Adalynn that night at the hotel. Or had

she? She’d said a lot of things, but had she ever said she was

just a lesbian? Adalynn had assumed Cassia didn’t want to

date men, but maybe she was bisexual. Or maybe that wasn’t

even right. It wasn’t like they’d sat down and had a long talk

about that. Even if Cassia wasn’t a lesbian, what right did

Adalynn have to feel like she should enter a pissing contest

with a freaking guy who was barely above being a teenager?

She had no claim on Cassia. She hadn’t been able to take

that step in Vegas or even think about skirting around the

edges of it, of recognizing that a spark could turn into a

connection which could turn into so much more. She’d cut that

spark off before it had a chance to cause any chaos. Now,

Adalynn wouldn’t dare. She still had the same reasons she’d

had in Vegas, but now she also couldn’t do anything with

Cassia because she was there at her house on her behest,