things got physical, if they changed between us, if I wasn’t just

here making the odd dinner and doing dishes and painting the

house, I might think I’d been forced into selling my body to

you. Selling my virginity to pay my debt.”

“Oh, good God,” Adalynn gasped. She was now panting

with shock. “You’re not…you’re not serious, are you?”

Cassia burst into laughter. “About which part?” Adalynn

still looked horrified. “No! No, I’m not serious. Well, yes, I

think you’re afraid of taking things to the next level because

you’re scared it’s going to seem like you’re demanding

payment in a sordid, sexual way. So let me be clear. I want

this. I want to kiss you. I don’t think it’s payment for any debt.

I know you would have paid my bill at the hospital even if I

told you to go fuck yourself when it came to your house

renovations. I don’t know why you would have done it, but

you would have. I don’t think I’m being forced to pay you

back with my body unless it’s by scraping paint off from

ancient siding and reapplying it in that shade of yellow you


“What’s wrong with yellow?”

“Nothing. It’s just very…sunny. Very happy.”

“Is it wrong to be sunny and happy? Or maybe you don’t

think that’s my personality. You’re right, but I didn’t think the

exterior of the house had to be a perfect match to me. Oh God,

now I’m blabbering about—”

Cassia took Adalynn’s face between her palms and kissed

her again. Hard. Demanding. She wanted to make it clear she

wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She wasn’t going to let

Adalynn not kiss her. She wasn’t going to let her take the easy,

fear free route again. In truth, she’d waited six months to do