She’d found an agency when she was looking online. A

high-end escort service. The thought of having sex with a man

churned her stomach, and not just for the obvious reasons.

She’d left to avoid that very thing, to get away from men who

wanted to own and control her body.

“Don’t worry about being nervous,” Rodger said, his

camera dangling from his hand. The bright lights were starting

to make Cassia feel dizzy. “Cross your legs, like that. You

have beautiful legs. Tuck your hand under your chin. Don’t

smile but purse your lips. Look down, then look up at me. Yes,

exactly like that! You’re a natural at this.”

Cassia barely managed not to groan. When Stu said a few

pictures that wouldn’t be posted online but would be sent out

in private emails to keep everything discreet, she thought it

would only take a few minutes. He instructed her to wear

black. She’d shown up in an expensive, tasteful black dress,

and was instead provided with a brand-new black tank top by

Stu himself, the tags on, and asked to strip down to the black

panties she had on underneath. Luckily, it afforded more

coverage than most bathing suits.

“You have beautiful hair,” Rodger said as he circled her and

clicked away. “That’s your natural color?”

“Yes.” Cassia shifted uncomfortably

on the hard wood stool.

She dug her bare toes into the bottom rung and shifted slightly

to relieve the numb muscles in her legs.

“And your eyes. Beautiful. So beautiful.”

She’d lost track of the number of times Rodger had said it.

He didn’t seem creepy, but Cassia wondered what he was

going to do with the photos he took before he handed them