kissing her brutally, her mouth wicked and almost cruel.

Cassia leaned into her in desperation, taking her mouth like

she needed it to live. She was floating, and even though she’d

never been high for real, she felt high on Adalynn’s deliriously

wonderful kisses.

Adalynn’s free palm cupped Cassia’s breast and massaged

her nipple through her shirt. Another white-hot streak of

pleasure rushed through her at the skillful touch. She barely

stopped herself from begging for more. She wanted Adalynn’s

touch, wanted it hard, harder. She wanted her hands on every

inch of her body, burning her mark into her skin so that it was

there all the time. She wanted Adalynn to possess her, to own

her, to show her what could be possible with her own body.

She wanted Adalynn to be the one who unlocked her, who

showed her the deepest, darkest, brightest, most wondrous

pleasure. She burned and vibrated under her touch.

Cassia’s hips jammed frantically into Adalynn’s hand as she

fucked up into her faster.

“More,” Cassia whimpered against Adalynn’s lips.

Adalynn groaned and bit down on Cassia’s lower lip. Cassia

tasted the metal of her own blood before Adalynn lathed her

tongue over the sore spot. She pulled out her finger and this

time, inserted two, carefully stretching Cassia open, filling her

to her knuckles. Cassia nearly screamed. She ate at Adalynn’s

mouth, thrusting her tongue inside and stroking hers, moaning

and humming her pleasure. She was starved. This was what

she needed.

Without warning, Adalynn dropped her hand from Cassia’s

breast and pinched her clit as she thrust up inside of her hard

and fast. Cassia threw back her head against the wall. She