feeling, the want, the need swirling and battling and churning

inside her until she felt ready to burst with it.

The golden sound of Cassia’s laughter from the backyard

drifted up through the closed window and Adalynn ground her

teeth. She wasn’t annoyed with Cassia. Cassia was good. She

was bright. She was everything incredible and unexpected, a

force of her very own. She wasn’t just what was on the

surface. She wasn’t what people saw. Yes, she was beautiful,

beyond belief, but it didn’t stop there. She radiated with

warmth. She was like the sun that Adalynn was always

comparing her to, but nowhere near as predictable. She didn’t

rise and set at hours prescribed by the season. She’d dared to

escape a life where she could have had everything, and she’d

done it all on her own because she was honest to the core of

her being. She was made of something stronger than anyone

else could see just by looking at her.

Adalynn snapped her head up and walked over to the

window. She looked down on the ancient picnic table and the

few scattered lawn chairs that were strewn about the backyard

for the guys to use on their breaks. She realized, that since

everyone was sitting around and each chair was filled and the

picnic table full, that it was lunchtime already. She’d been

working ceaselessly at nothing for the past five hours already.

Getting absolutely nowhere because she couldn’t focus and

do what needed to be done. She didn’t know how to do what

she needed to do.

It was basically a metaphor for her entire life, and she felt


And then, even as the bitter feelings, the feelings of

inadequacy and cowardice pulverized her insides, twisting