too, grabbing her plate and her glass to take it back inside.

She didn’t expect Cassia to follow her, and when she

stepped through the sliding door, closing it behind her,

Adalynn nearly jumped out of her skin. She just about dropped

her plate in her surprise at turning and finding Cassia there,

but she managed to make it to the table before things went


“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to say that

being shy isn’t a crime. The guys misunderstood you. I know

you don’t think you’re above anyone, but I also think it’s

worth getting to know people. I know it’s a lot of time and

effort to put in, and most of the time there’s seriously little

reward, but I also think that a good amount of that time,

people are worth it. You might be surprised. My dad never

gave me a choice. I always had to come right home from

school. He was super protective. I went to a private school,

and I never felt like my time outside of it was really my own. I

really didn’t have a say in who I got to know and who I didn’t.

I didn’t get to have friends like other people did. I’ve never

been to a sle

epover before. Anyway. Now that I have the

choice, I make sure I go for it. Even if it doesn’t seem worth it

or like it’s going to work out.”

“You stood up for me out there. Thank you.”

Cassia shook her head, her eyes shining, and lips turned up

in that classic, beautiful smile that won people over so quickly.

“Don’t thank me. I was just stating the truth. But they were

right—you do work too much. You need to take breaks more

often. If you still want to show me some editing and how to

work the camera, I’d still like to learn.”