if this is it?”

“A lot of people think it is.”

“I know. What I’m saying, I guess, in a really long, round

about way so that I don’t offend you because I feel like we

know each other, but I know that we actually don’t if you go

strictly by time, and now I’m nervous about saying it…”

Adalynn sat quietly, not offering Cassia any relief. She’d

started the whole thing, and now she had to finish it.

“Okay. So, if you didn’t make the videos and you didn’t

really care about doing photos, or even if you did, but it

stopped mattering to you what people thought because you

trained yourself or talked yourself out of that, or if you wanted

to start a brand-new social media following, couldn’t you just

do that? As someone who wasn’t the person you used to be. I

just don’t think you’re being fully honest with yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

“No one asks you the tough questions because they don’t

know you. You don’t open yourself up to them like you’ve

opened up to me. I don’t mean to make it sound like I know

you that well, so I don’t want to say that for sure. I know

there’s a lot of room for error in what I’m saying, so I’m not

saying it like it’s a hard and fast thing, but if people knew you

were a lesbian, would that really impact your late husband’s

work and reputation that much? Wouldn’t people just hate you

only and pity him more? Isn’t most publicity good publicity in

the end? At least if you don’t care if you’re on the receiving

end of being slammed by assholes out there? I know there are

a great many, but I also know there are a ton of good people

too. If you just deleted your social media accounts and said,

‘fuck it’ and moved on, would that really be the worst thing