was a whore. I was so offended. I told her of course I wasn’t a

whore, and she stood there, leaning against the kitchen wall. I

remember exactly the way the brown wallpaper was peeling

away right above her left shoulder. She gave me this look that

told me I was no better than she was and told me that if I

wasn’t a whore already, I would be, because every woman

ends up that way.”

Fury built in Cassia’s gut until she felt cold with it and red

hot all over. It was like standing in the sun and getting a cold

blast of winter wind all at once. Her chest compressed and she

felt sick for the childhood, or lack of one, that Adalynn had.

For the little girl who understood she had to take care of her

mother from the youngest age. What would it have been like

not to have a parent to guide you, to keep you safe, to look

after you?

The sick feeling intensified as Cassia remembered her

mother’s platinum hair, her easy smile, her warm laugh that

could fill up a room. She had been the most beautiful woman

in the world, the best mother anyone could ever want. Cassia’s

father stepped in after, with stern rules and a silent house, with

private schools and men dressed all in black who took her

there and back and ensured her safety. She’d always had her

sisters, though. She supposed that maybe, in hindsight, she

hadn’t had much of a childhood either. She’d always thought

that being a child meant being quiet and obedient, that emotion

was something to be controlled, and that fathers were

supposed to be stern, imposing figures.

The silence in the room rang through Cassia’s head until her

whole body vibrated with it. “That’s not true,” she whispered.

She couldn’t stop herself. She reached over and set her hand