“But aren’t they mutually inclusive?”

“They don’t have to be. I’m not asking for myself. I’m

asking for you. Not because I’m talking about me or thinking

about myself. I really am thinking about you. Because I care.


p; You’re so talented. You’re so full of life and passion. You’re

vibrating with this creative energy that has done so many

amazing things and could do so many more. I also feel that

you’re maybe a little bit lost right now. Not the stumbling

around, fearful in the dark kind of lost, but more like the lost

from poetry, where you’re at a part of the road that branches

off and goes in so many different directions.”

“That is very poetic.”

“You know the one.”

“I do. I think everyone reads it in school.”

“I think so.”

Adalynn sucked in a deep breath. She wasn’t ready to give

an answer, and Cassia wasn’t demanding one. She was trying

to give Adalynn something to think about. Trying to talk to her

about the things she probably felt she couldn’t talk about with

anyone else.

Did she want to stay with Adalynn after the month was

over? Could they be more, like their burning connection

suggested they could? Only if Adalynn was willing. Cassia

wasn’t willing to live her life hiding in the shadows. She’d

already spent her childhood and adolescence in her father’s

house doing just that. She’d left so that she could finally be


Did she feel that there was something special between her

and Adalynn? Yes, but it would need nurturing and time,