newfound delight of the flavor bursting over her tongue. Just

thinking about what she might taste like to Cassia, what she

might smell and feel like, how she trembled and kissed and

sighed, made Adalynn’s legs feel like they had turned to water.

Adalynn’s fingers bit into the skin of Cassia’s hip and

Cassia let out a hiss before sinking her teeth into Adalynn’s

neck lightly in retaliation. White hot pleasure exploded from

the spot, especially after Cassia’s tongue swept out to ease the

sting. Adalynn couldn’t think. All she could do was act. Her

other hand swept around to the small of Cassia’s back and she

steered them out the door and down the hall. Cassia walked

with her, knees bumping against each other, hips clashing,

thighs rubbing, their lips tangling, until they burst through the

door of Adalynn’s room.

Her bed wasn’t made or tidy. The covers were pulled back,

the sheets twisted up since it was always hot at night, but

Adalynn hated running the air conditioner because it didn’t

work right and made the room much too cold. One dresser

drawer on the antique wood tallboy was partly open, revealing

different colored socks. There were clothes strewn over the

floor, and the closet doors were hanging open to reveal her

laundry hamper, shoes here and there, clothes hung without

rhyme or reason because Adalynn hadn’t bothered with

organizing it properly after she’d moved in. She was

embarrassed that it had been months and things were still all

over the place. God, she was embarrassed that she hadn’t

thought to make her bed, but Cassia let out a whimper and a

hum at the back of her throat at seeing it, and Adalynn guided

them there all the same.

She flicked on the lamp, which was a tiny stained-glass