shouldn’t be upset, but she did feel betrayed. She felt even

sicker, torn up like she’d been shredded by having to walk

miles barefoot over sharp gravel.

She wasn’t exactly surprised, even if she had been hoping

for a different outcome. She wanted to believe she could figure

something out and move on if she had to, because that was the

probable outcome, but she knew she was lying.

It did hurt like crazy. There was no denying it. She hurt for

herself. And she hurt for Adalynn. She hurt for all the things

they’d probably never be or become and how she believed that

it could have been spectacular. She wasn’t giving up and she

sure as heck wasn’t going to pack her bags and leave before

she’d paid Adalynn back in full for that hospital bill. She

wasn’t going to leave even then, not if Adalynn didn’t want

her to.

Sometimes time and patience really were the best answers,

even if Cassia felt she was in short supply of both.

Chapter 18


Adalynn’s fingers hovered over the post button. She’d

made the video. All she had to do was upload it. She’d spent

the better part of the night thinking about what she could do.

There were only two options. Go on as she had before, put on

a mask, capitulate, postulate, conform until she wasn’t sure

who she even was anymore just to please people she didn’t

even know, or she could be bold and brave and unapologetic.

She could tell the truth. She could stand up for herself. She

could fight for who she wanted to be, fight for the future she

wanted, fight for the woman she had feelings for.

Because she did have feelings for Cassia. Feelings that if