“You have the biggest heart,” Adalynn whispered. She

brushed her lips over Cassia’s temple, smoothing away her

hair first, and probably more than a few clinging stems of hay.

“I love that about you. That, and a heck of a lot more.”

“I love you. Every little bit. Even if you’re the one who’s

always saying there’s room for one more. One more chicken,

one more goat…”

“It’s not my fault there are so many being given away who

need homes.”

“Well, you do follow quite a few goat and chicken rescue


“That’s for educational purposes,” Adalynn excused herself.

“Right.” Cassia rolled her eyes, and then let out a squeal

when Adalynn reached around and pinched her bottom. “Hey!

I’ll behave, I swear.”

Adalynn’s hand rubbed away the sting and drew Cassia

closer so that they were flush up against each other, bodies

melding together in an easy, practiced, perfect fit. “I’d like it

just as much if you didn’t,” Adalynn whispered suggestively.

“Oh really? I can arrange that. After we take out the rest of

these bales, we’ll be good and sweaty and in dire need of a


“A shower, hmm?”


Adalynn’s eyes lit up with humor even as her pupils

darkened and widened with desire. The gray of her irises was

shot through with darker metal hued spokes. “In that case, we

had better hurry and get this truck unloaded. I can’t wait to

take you inside.”

“It’s a date, then.”