Adalynn could sense it coming, so she had all the time in the

world to compose herself.

“What would you say to the rumors that you prefer the

company of women now?”

“I wasn’t aware that repeating malicious rumors passed for

reporting.” Of course, she was aware. Which was why she

took pains to be careful. Not careful enough, apparently.

“So, you didn’t marry Pierre for the money and fame, for

what it could do for your own career? You didn’t see him as a

way out, a sugar daddy you could train into doing your

bidding since he was willing to put a rock on your finger? And

you never had kids, not because of your work schedule or

because you didn’t love him, but because you never really

preferred men and your relationship was more platonic than


The metallic taste of rage finally blossomed like a fresh

spring flower in the back of Adalynn’s mouth. She could taste

her anger all along her tongue. She wanted to spit words like

toxic venom. She knew she didn’t have to sit here and defend

herself but storming off in a huff would only indicate her guilt.

It would look bad for her, but she had years of experience

dealing with difficult scenarios. Ones far worse than this. She

didn’t have to close her eyes to see Pierre’s face. He would

have smiled gently back at the impertinent little bitch and

charmed her with anecdotes from his travels. Adalynn knew

she didn’t have the tact for it.

Instead, she found herself clearing her throat. The old pain

was back, welling like an underground tunnel flooding with

the incoming tide. “Actually, there were children. Two. I

miscarried both, one at eight weeks, the other at sixteen. If you