newer hotel that Cassia had never heard of, she paid him cash

and got out. She felt wobbly on the heels she’d worn. She

couldn’t decide on an outfit and had spent the better part of the

past few hours throwing things around her tiny bedroom.

She’d sold most of the clothes she’d brought from home and

been forced to purchase far less expensive items for her

current wardrobe, so she didn’t have much of a selection. It

should have been easy, but she kept vacillating between an

emerald blouse and black skirt, or a black dress. She’d gone

for the blouse and skirt and paired it with one of the two pairs

of black heels she still owned.

The hotel wasn’t big like the ones on the Strip, and there

appeared to be only one lounge. A few people, mostly couples,

were seated, engaged in conversation. A single man dressed in

a suit was perched at the bar, watching the sports highlights on

the huge flatscreen TV behind the bar.

Cassia walked in and pulled out a chair at a table with three

other seats. They all had four chairs. She waited, feeling

exposed and naked in the too bright lights. The other lounges

were so dark compared to this one.

Her tongue flicked out and she licked her dry lips. She felt

charged with energy, filled with a nervous current of

electricity. She didn’t need to check her phone. She knew she

was fifteen minutes early. She hadn’t wanted to be late. She

was too excited to be late.

When Adalynn entered the lounge, Cassia knew. It seemed

irrational, but it felt like some invisible string was wrapped

around her neck and tugged on. She turned in her seat,

swiveling to look behind her, and there she was. Her raven

hair was pulled back at the nape of her neck, done in a tight