She hadn’t meant to, and she was embarrassed at her reaction.

She didn’t want Adalynn to think she was judging her.

“It’s alright. I’m used to that reaction. It was a lot. We loved

each other in our own ways. Even though he didn’t know. He

didn’t know that I…well, anyway. We can talk about

something more cheerful, I guess.”

“Like what?” Cassia hoped that it wasn’t what she did for a

living or what her life had been like before. She couldn’t talk

about the latter and didn’t want to talk about the former.

“Like how you came to live here. Do you like Vegas? It

seems like an odd choice of city to live. To visit, yes, but to


“I-I don’t know. I guess it was because it seemed…

exciting.” A place where my father never did business because

he hated how cliché and obvious it was. “You’re just here for a

short time, though. How many more days?” She wished she

hadn’t asked. That wasn’t her business. She’d been hired to be

a companion for a few hours, and that was it. This certainly

wasn’t how she’d thought it would go, but then, she really had

no idea what to expect.

“Exciting. Yes. It is.”

“Probably not for you. You’ve been all over, you said.”

“I don’t think there’s a country I haven’t been to.” Adalynn

paused. “I’m kidding. There are tons of places I haven’t seen.

But it was a privilege to be able to see so much of the world.

You asked me about where I want to live. I’ve been thinking

about it. I’ve seen pages online where they’re dedicated

entirely to houses. I had this thought today that I would just

pick one that needs some love and buy it and go there.”

“Oh! That would be fun. I can’t imagine fixing something