money. She wanted what she had right here, right now.

Something real.

Maybe the only thing that was real.

Adalynn shook her head. She reached back and pulled out

the pins fastening her hair at her neck. She shook her head and

a curtain of glorious raven hair fell over her shoulders. She

raked her fingers through it. “I don’t know why I’m telling

you this. You could do anything now that you know. Tell

anyone. You could blackmail me with all my secrets.”

A ripple of shock shot through Cassia. “Why would I ever

do that?”

“I don’t think you would. I’m just saying. I’ve been so

careful. It’s not that I’m tired of being careful. I still don’t

want anyone to know. I guess I do feel connected to you. I had

to find you. I couldn’t leave it alone. I couldn’t just leave

Vegas without seeing you again.” Adalynn’s expression

hardened, her resolve creasing her brow.

“Why?” Cassia could barely croak the word.

She didn’t think that she was anything special. Not when a

woman like Adalynn could have anyone. She could have her

choice if she was discreet. She was older, gorgeous, with an

otherworldly beauty. Despite everything she’d lived through,

she still glowed with a radiant light that couldn’t be

extinguished. She’d made the most of her life and that, no

matter what anyone else thought or said, was admirable.

“I asked myself that a thousand times,” Adalynn admitted.

“While I was searching. I told myself to stop, to leave it alone.

I guess the truth is that I saw you and I wanted you. You’re a

fighter. You have this light that surrounds you. You’re

innocent and sweet and I…maybe there was a part of me that