Cassia’s face darkened defiantly. She looked like a goddess,

filled with the new knowledge of her power, defiant and strong

to the last. Adalynn’s will almost faltered.

“That’s bullshit. I think you’re scared. You’re scared of

doing this with me because it would mean something.”

“You’re right. It would mean something to both of us, and

of course that scares me because I know you’ll only be hurt by

it, and I don’t want it to be a negative experience for you.”

“You’re trying to protect me, but I don’t need protection. I

didn’t ask for it. I asked you to kiss me, and—”

“And I did.” Adalynn turned so that Cassia couldn’t see the

longing in her face.

If she thought this was easy for her, she was wrong. She’d

decided, sometime between talking to Cassia and kissing her,

that she couldn’t take anything from her. She wasn’t hers to

posses. It wasn’t right or fair. She would never belong to her

because Adalynn was indeed a coward. She was a coward ten

years ago when she took the easy way out, and now when

she’d found something that could be worth fighting for, even if

the odds seemed impossible, even if she hadn’t been looking

for it in the first place, she could do nothing about it.

Her own first time she’d been drunk. She knew she wasn’t

attracted to men, but she’d forced it, wanting to be like

everyone else. She was young and she had no one to go to for

advice. She was fourteen. He was in college. It was at some

party she went to with a friend when her mom was passed out

in their shit apartment. It was an escape, but it was the wrong

kind of escape.

Fuck the world if it told her that she was wrong for wanting

better for Cassia. For wanting to protect her.