search engine every single night. It was pathetic. Truly and

utterly pathetic.

Yet, there were other things she could have done that were

worse, at least to her mind. She could have paid someone to

keep tabs on Cassia. A PI or something. Vegas probably had

no shortage. She had never even tried to find Cassia on social

media. Looking up her name seemed like the least invasion of


But now that she’d seen the article, Adalynn knew she had a

choice. She could do something. She could call hospitals in

Vegas until she found out which one Cassia was in. She could

go to Vegas and offer her help, whatever that might look like.

She doubted Cassia had health insurance. She could offer to

pay the bills that were probably mounting. She could help if

Cassia needed physical therapy after. She could be there as a

friend, even though they never really were anything but

strangers. Maybe Cassia had someone by now. Someone who

cared about her, maybe someone who loved her even. But

what if she didn’t? What if she had to wake up in that hospital

alone? What if she was scared and in pain?

That’s not your problem. The voice inside Adalynn’s head

taunted her. She knew that Cassia wasn’t her problem. Cassia

wasn’t a problem at all. That’s not how she thought of her. She

didn’t know what term she’d put on what she thought Cassia

was. The hard truth was that she wasn’t supposed to be

anything, but Adalynn had never managed to let her go. Did

that make her borderline creepy, soft-hearted, weepy,

sentimental, and far too lonely for her own good? Probably.

Was it going to stop her from going to Vegas to see if there

was anything she could do to help? No. No, it wasn’t.