rain pelt down on her exposed skin. Even the frigid rain and

wind couldn’t douse what felt like a fever burning under her


She saw Cassia’s lovely blue eyes even when she stared up

at the dark night. Meeting Cassia had done something to her.

There was something in her chest that she couldn’t dislodge,

something she couldn’t begin to comprehend. She hadn’t

forgotten. She wouldn’t forget.

In the deluge of rain, soaked to the skin, Adalynn decided

she would go, simply because she couldn’t not go and that was

all the reasoning and justification she needed.

Chapter 10


The first thing Cassia realized when she opened eyes that

felt as heavy as lead weights was that her throat was dry. So

dry it was impossible to force a swallow. Her throat muscles

constricted painfully. The effort of that attempt hurt her head,

which was already pounding. It ached like it was stuffed full

of dirt and water—something heavy and dense, but also

something liquid that moved and sloshed with every single

pained breath.

Cassia had no idea where she was. Her eyes refused to

focus. All they could take in was white. White and bright, and

a foul smell that was sharp and astringent, like powerful floor

cleaner. She could hear a steady beep and hiss and she

wondered why someone wouldn’t turn off whatever alarm was

beeping steadily because it was so annoying. The sound

pierced through her heavy, foggy brain like the blade of a

serrated knife.

She struggled to lift her lids and keep them open. To make