could together to survive outside a house that had always been

her shelter, outside the only family she’d ever known, her one

and only support, forced blood into Cassia’s numb limbs and

she scrambled from the chair. She didn’t spare her father a

backwards glance as she hurried from the room.

For the first time in her life, she was truly afraid. Afraid her

father was only toying with her and that he wouldn’t let her

get far before he dragged her back and forced her to marry

Vincent. Afraid he would find her even though he said he

wouldn’t, and that he’d harm her, or he’d send his men to do

it. She was afraid he wouldn’t do any of that and that she’d be

totally alone, forced to fend for herself in a world she had

always been offered protection from as a Salvatore.

Cassia didn’t take in a single one of her surroundings when

she burst into her room. She had duffel bags and suitcases in

her closet. Most of her clothing was designer. She had

expensive jewellery. Something had always told her to keep an

envelope of cash hidden away in her closet. Every birthday,

every Christmas, she’d saved the money she got. Sometimes

her father would give her cash for no reason at all, instead of

buying her a gift, but she’d never had anything to spend it on.

She knew there was probably less than five thousand dollars in

that envelope, but it was something. With the jewellery, her

laptop, and what designer shoes, purses, and clothes she could

take, she might have enough to live on for a few months if she

found somewhere inexpensive.

Somewhere that wasn’t New York.

Cassia had no idea where she was going. She didn’t know

how to get there, or even if she’d make it, but she knew she

would never go to a city where her father had any influence.