apply to the person driving? Had they even been in the right?

Were they the ones that caused the accident?

A memory burrowed into Cassia’s brain. It surfaced from

the depths of somewhere cold and bright, and when she


; blinked, it was there. The light. she remembered seeing a flash

of green through the windshield. A green light. They’d been

going through an intersection.

“What’s the alternative?” Adalynn asked softly. “To lay

down and admit defeat? To accept surrender?”

Cassia remembered that too. She remembered Adalynn

asking her something similar the night she’d gone to the hotel

to meet her.

But that was a long time ago. Cassia was sure it was. What

was she doing here now?

“Take care of myself,” Cassia muttered around her swollen


Adalynn blinked long, dark lashes. “I know you can. I

know. I knew you wouldn’t accept me paying for this, so I

didn’t give you a choice. It’s already done. That house I

mentioned? I’m doing it. Restoring it. I thought you might like

to help out. To pay me back that way. I’ll pay you the same

rate the agency does per hour. I calculated it at a rough rate of

what I think you earn with the agency, and I figure a month

should do it.”

“A month?” Was she actually hearing Adalynn correctly? It

was too much to believe when she was in such a state, trapped

between awake and not really being awake, trapped in the

wreckage of her body, which was so very sore with a bone

deep kind of pain she’d never felt before.