down her throat, easing all the prickly, scraping dryness.

“Where?” she croaked after. She wanted to know where she

was going to be living after her whole life changed again. She

prayed like hell it wasn’t New York.

“South Carolina,” Adalynn whispered.

Cassia didn’t realize she’d let out a long sigh of relief until

her lungs burned with it and her chest hurt. She didn’t realize

she was crying either until Adalynn lifted a hand and gently

wiped the moisture from her cheeks.

Chapter 11


Cassia woke up to the sound of hammers and wild cursing.

It was pretty much the same thing she’d been awakened by

every single one of the past seven days that she’d been in

South Carolina. After spending another two days in the

hospital after she’d woken up to find Adalynn there, she’d

been discharged since she was doing so much better. She’d

still been sore as hell. Adalynn offered to help her pack her

things, but she’d declined. Since she didn’t have anything

worth taking, she put up ads on the local classifieds sites,

giving her furniture away for free. The remainder of her

things, the things she had acquired after selling off the goods

she’d brought from her father’s house, fit into two suitcases.

Adalynn had paid for their tickets to South Carolina, even

though Cassia didn’t want her to. She didn’t like to feel

indebted to another person for anything. It was bad enough

that Adalynn had pretty much bought her company for the

next month.

But why?

Why had she been keeping track of Cassia? She’d figured