tempted to do anything that crazy again. She had no business

touching Dani, no matter how badly she wanted to.

And she did. Badly.

Emily suddenly felt like she’d consumed fire. It wasn’t just

the energy around them that seemed to vibrate. She was

buzzing all over. No, not just buzzing. There was definitely

some throbbing going on too. The whole beach felt like it was

made out of charged sand. Some strange kind of electricity.

The setting sun was falling behind the horizon, the sky’s

fiery oranges and reds giving way to purples and pinks. Emily

loved sunsets. She’d actually never painted one before, but she

was determined to change that. She never wanted to forget this


She laughed softly, breaking the spell. Maybe she laughed

because she was embarrassed. Maybe it was the right thing to

do. To make a sound. To try and divert the attention to

something else.

“I’ve never talked about how I grew up,” Dani whispered.

Maybe the spell wasn’t broken for her yet. She seemed

transfixed, her eyes huge and deep. Emily felt herself falling

into them. She wished she could think of something perfect to


“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

The sudden flash of pain in Dani’s eyes made Emily’s chest

hurt. However she’d been raised, it was bad. Emily was

suddenly filled with rage that bad things could happen to good

people, and at the same time, filled with an overwhelming

pride that Dani had risen above whatever had happened to her.

She was more than that. She had her own business. She had

her own place. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She was