man leaped up and took off running. There was the

unmistakable shape of a camera hanging from his right hand.

“Shit,” Emily breathed. “Oh shit. If he took a photo of us,

he must have recognized me. Oh God, my dad is going to be

furious. This is going to be everywhere in no time at all.”

“Fuck,” Dani hissed, the venom in her tone shocking Emily.

“I should chase after that guy. Knock him down, break his


Emily set her hand on Dani’s arm. Dani jerked in surprise,

but she didn’t shake off the touch. “You shouldn’t do any of

that. That would only get you in trouble. Don’t give the

bastard a reason to file assault charges on top of everything.”

“He’s going to sell that photo. Get rich off being a creepy


“He might. Or maybe he just saw two women kissing each

other on the beach and wanted something to ogle later.”

“Gross. That’s even worse.”

“Yeah. I guess it is. Either way, I’m fucked. My dad is going

to be so, so angry.”

Dani blinked. “There’s only one thing we can do. Cut him

off at the pass.”

That was the last thing Emily thought she’d suggest. “You

mean call my dad and warn him?”

“Yes. And we should go to your parents’ house and explain

everything. Tell them the wedding was fake, but now everyone

is going to think…” Dani grabbed Emily’s hand. “Yup. You’re

wearing your wedding ring.”

“But, Dani, are you…?”

“A lesbian?” Dani nodded. “Yup. I didn’t think it would

actually come up. You know. Given that this is supposed to be