the morning and do what they want? How many people enjoy

their jobs? I have to stop thinking that life is fair and you get

out of it what you put in. It’s not. That’s not the way the world

works. My parents are right. It doesn’t matter if I’m good at

art. It’s not going to pay the bills. I have to get real.”

“Are you saying that because you really mean it or because

you’re upset?”

“Because I really mean it.”

Dani’s fingers curled on her bare legs. “That’s a lie. I don’t

know you very well but I can tell you don’t mean that. I have a

better idea. You’re paying me to give you a fake marriage, so

that’s what I’ll do. As far as anyone needs to know, we’re

married. That’s what your dad will tell people. That yes, his

daughter is a lesbian; yes, she’s married; yes, she has a

tattooed wife who owns a tiny insignificant shop. Yes, she

even reads tarot. The world will get over it. There are other

things to focus on. Besides, it’s not like we’re doing something

illegal. People will talk for a week, then they’ll move on.

They’ll find something else to gossip about. Your dad’s

campaign people will smooth things over because that’s what

PR people do. A week would give you some time to think.”

Emily was illuminated in the sweep of oncoming headlights.

Dani could see how doubt and fear warred with what she truly

wanted, and that wasn’t law school. Emily sunk her teeth into

her bottom lip and Dani nearly groaned. Emily’s lips had been

so sweet. So perfect. Dani couldn’t remember kissing anyone

like that. No, she’d kissed people like that, but the feeling

wasn’t the same.

She should be trying to get Emily out of her life as soon as

possible, not catching herself imagining what sort of swimsuit