wouldn’t burst into laughter again. There was probably a limit

as to how much giddiness a person could stand.

“White, then?” she suggested.

“Yes. Excellent idea.”

Dani left and returned a few minutes later with two coffee

mugs. Emily raised a brow, but Dani just shrugged in her

characteristic way. “I don’t have any wine glasses. It tastes the

same like this. I think.”

The wine wa

s good. Bitingly cold, tart, and sweet all at the

same time. It tasted just fine with the cheese as far as Emily

was concerned. It was good and she found that she was

parched after she started drinking. She downed the half mug

too fast, and when Dani brought the bottle back and filled it

halfway full again, she drank that too. It was like juice, it was

so good. Emily had never had wine like that before.

She finished the cheese and another half mug of wine before

she was aware that her head was starting to get pleasantly

warm and fuzzy. She tried to recall what her dad said in the

car, the things that had bothered her so much, but she couldn’t

bring her thoughts to a sharp point.

Oddly enough, she could focus on Dani, who was on the

other end of the couch. She was definitely in very sharp

definition. Emily didn’t need wine to think Dani was pretty.

Beyond pretty. She was, hands down, one of the most beautiful

women that Emily had ever seen. It meant something to be

unique, to be wholly you and not have to apologize for it.

Confidence. That was sexy.

Emily set the plate on the coffee table in front of her. It

looked more like a French Provincial style, and it might even