muscles in her legs. “Oh, and I fed Mr. Pickles. He was quite

vocal when I started so I figured that’s what he wanted. He’s

probably off in a food coma somewhere right now.”

“It smells really good.” It did. Dani would have lied even it

smelled like death warmed over. She would have forced

herself to eat it. “You did a good job.”

“Really? I was so scared I’d mess it up.” Emily switched the

oven off and carried the dish to the table. She set it down on

the hot pads she’d set out. She got a spatula from the drawer

and cut into it, scooping out a piece for each plate.

Silently, Dani walked to the fridge and got out the

remainder of the wine.

What happened the night before hadn’t happened because

they were drunk. She certainly wasn’t and Emily had just been

buzzed. What happened last night was due solely to pure

animal attraction that neither of them could deny or hold back.

“Oh wow,” Emily said as soon as she tasted the casserole.

“Dang, that lady from the website is good. I believed she

called this a trash dinner. Where you throw in a little bit of that

and this and more of that and it looks like trash, but it tastes


Dani blew on the bite she cut from her piece before putting

it in her mouth. She nearly whimpered as she ate.

“Wow is right,” she agreed. “This is…holy crap. I can’t

believe you made this.”

Emily laughed. “Honestly, I can’t believe it either.” She

paused, fork halfway to her mouth. “I wanted to thank you for

what you did. For what you said in the car to my dad and to

me after. I’m not normally all moody and morose, but I was

really upset. If it wasn’t for you, I would have gone straight to